Dates for the Diary February Sunday 5th Come and Try Day 9.00 am - 12.30 pm Tuesday 14th COM meeting 12.00 noon Tuesday 21st G.M. meeting 9.00 am

Website We have added another communication tool to the forum page on our website - https://www.edsacccroquetclub.com It's for everyone to use for discussion, messaging, questions, photos. etc. Hope it will be popular with members. Bob Howie, President

Bits and Pieces Thank you so much for your patience and understanding regarding the delayed opening of Ourimbah and Wailes lawns. It’s hard to imagine just how critical water to the newly top dressed and fertilised lawns is, and the impact the lack of water had on those lawns in the early stages. All four lawns are now operational. We are now employing a cleaner once a month to clean the clubhouse. Members are still asked to sweep or vacuum regularly as grass is constantly being traipsed in. Your efforts are, as usual, very much appreciated. As Cheryl Patterson, the Games Captain, is now travelling around the Middle East with her daughter who lives there, any inquiries or issues can be directed to a member of the C.O.M. Players interested in nominating for Division 2 or Division 3 Pennants are asked to add their names to the list in the club. Any inquiries regarding Pennants can be directed to Sue Higgins, Gillian Aldridge or Sue Yue. With our hot, humid weather, members are being asked to be mindful of how it may affect you when playing croquet. Be sure to stay hydrated and protect yourself from the sun. Many of us choose to play less during this type of weather and once the heat has passed, I’m sure we’ll see many more on the lawns. Gail Canon, Vice President

Bits and Pieces Thank you so much for your patience and understanding regarding the delayed opening of Ourimbah and Wailes lawns. It’s hard to imagine just how critical water to the newly top dressed and fertilised lawns is, and the impact the lack of water had on those lawns in the early stages. All four lawns are now operational. We are now employing a cleaner once a month to clean the clubhouse. Members are still asked to sweep or vacuum regularly as grass is constantly being traipsed in. Your efforts are, as usual, very much appreciated. As Cheryl Patterson, the Games Captain, is now travelling around the Middle East with her daughter who lives there, any inquiries or issues can be directed to a member of the C.O.M. Players interested in nominating for Division 2 or Division 3 Pennants are asked to add their names to the list in the club. Any inquiries regarding Pennants can be directed to Sue Higgins, Gillian Aldridge or Sue Yue. With our hot, humid weather, members are being asked to be mindful of how it may affect you when playing croquet. Be sure to stay hydrated and protect yourself from the sun. Many of us choose to play less during this type of weather and once the heat has passed, I’m sure we’ll see many more on the lawns. Gail Canon, Vice President