Club Committees and Meeting Times
The Club is governed by its Constitution, and By-Laws, and is run by a Committee of Management (COM) which has seven members: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Games Captain and two Players Representatives.
Committee meetings are held once a month. Club members are encouraged to attend the General Meetings which are held on the third Tuesday of February, May, August and November. The Annual General Meeting is held on the third Tuesday of August, following the General Meeting.
Minutes of all meetings are kept in a red folder in the Clubhouse for members to peruse. The Club's Constitution and By-Laws are also available to members.
If you have any questions, ideas, problems, complaints or appreciations, please speak to a member of the COM, or to a Players' Representative. There are comments/issues forms available next to the games table. Once completed the form can be given to a COM member or Players' Rep, or put into the clubhouse mailbox. The comment/issue will be addressed at the next scheduled COM meeting and you will notified on the outcome.

Sub-committees and Other Positions
A number of Sub-committees look after specific areas of the Club. Social, Games, Grounds and Gardens. The current convenors of these Sub-committees are shown on the Clubhouse noticeboard, and all convenors encourage new members to become part of their team.
When the Club hosts special events(eg Gala and Carnival days) help is needed in setting up and catering for the day. There can never be enough helpers!
The Club also has non-committee positions that are vital to the smooth running of the Club. These positions are shown on the noticeboard - don't hesitate to put your hand up if you are able to fill any of the positions.