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December Newsletter


Dates for the Diary


Thursday 7th 4.00 pm Twilight Croquet

Monday 11th 12.30 pm COM Meeting

Thursday 14th 4.00 pm Twilight Croquet

Thursday 21st 4.00 pm Twilight Croquet

Monday 25th Christmas Day

Tuesday 26th Boxing Day


Monday 1st New Year's Day

Monday 8th 12.30 pm COM Meetin

Tuesday 16th 4.00 pm Twilight BBQ

Friday 26th Australia Day

President Report


Dobell & Grant are now back in play. Grant still has a way to go before it can be considered in good condition. There is a plan in place to return it to an acceptable standard ASAP.

Dobell, we are having trouble with the mowing of Dobell due to the poor condition of the mower’s cutting blades. Both mowers are in the process of a maintenance & sharpening process. Craig Fraser has taken on the task of organizing this, so please bear with us while this is taking place. There should be an improvement in the cutting of the lawns once this is completed.

The bottom two lawns will be renovated one at a time so that play can continue with two or three lawns in play.

The green waste that had accumulated is in the process of being removed. Thanks to John Leonard, John Farrell, Garry Castles & Craig Fraser for assisting in the packing up & disposal of the majority of the waste.

The Club’s Christmas lunch was held on Thursday and enjoyed by all who attended. Huge thanks to Linda Fraser who organized the event and created the wonderful table decorations, as well as the decoration at the clubhouse (photo above).

On behalf of the COM I would like to wish all our members & their families a Happy Christmas & a healthy and safe 2024.

Colin Gibbons

Morning tea excitement

The Loneliness of Presidential Responsibility

Games Captain Report
The hoops were set on Dobell & Grant on Monday 27 Nov. We will have 4 lawns for play from Tuesday 28 Nov for a short while until Wailes & Ourimbah are closed for scheduled renovations. The 40 minute timetable will remain as it is for the time being as these times will be needed once we are back to 2 lawn play.I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for your support in my role as Games Captain and I wish you all a very happy and safe Christmas period.  
An update :GC Pennants - 2024 style!!! A new GC pennants’ schedule has been put in place for 2024. As well as allowing extra time for scheduling zone contests, the plan is to have all 3 Divisions occurring simultaneously so that clubs have maximum flexibility to deploy available and eligible players into teams. Entries for Division 1, 2 and 3 pennants will all close on 1 July 2024. Clubs will register entries for these competitions as for other CNSW events - directly via the website any time prior to 1 July. Zone contests to be played over 18 - 20 weeks between 8 July and 30 November. Finals for all Divisions held in early December.Lorraine Hatfield GC Pennants Manager 

Sue Yule, Games Captain

Coaching Report

In the New Year, wouldn't it be great to be able to play croquet with your family and friends? I'm in the process of organising a beginners coaching program for those who wish to learn our great sport.

Just send me an email with their details and I'll include them on the waiting list.

Wishing all members a healthy and safe festive season.

Anita Beer, Coaching Co ordinator

Players Rep Report

It is pleasing to see so many members making the most of the 2 lawns in the mornings. Enjoy your croquet during the festive season.

Anita & Alexis

Ricochet Friendly

The Hunter Hub funded a Ricochet Friendly morning, Thursday23rd November, hosted by Toronto Croquet Club. Sue Higgins,Gillian Aldridge and Gail Cannon were joined by players from Maitland, Newcastle, Nelson Bay and Toronto clubs. The atmosphere, regardless of the threatening showers, was friendly and fun filled with the sharing of strategies and ideas on how the game is played in other clubs. As always, the Toronto members made us feel very welcome. A lovely morning tea was supplied and the event concluded with many of the participants meeting at the Toronto RSL for lunch.


The Christmas Party was successfully held at The Lakehouse Restaurant, The Entrance, on Thursday 30th November, and attended by 42 members. By the reaction of those in attendance, all were happy with the food and the venue.

The Christmas Raffle was won by Julie Miller, who chose the hamper of goodies, and the quilt was won by Penny Taylor. A nice profit of around $200 was made from the raffle and sale of the table decorations on the day.

This Thursday 7th December, there will be Twilight croquet from 4pm and although the cut-off time for the BBQ has passed, if anyone wishes to join us for croquet from 4pm, please do, there are already some not staying for the BBQ.

I encourage members to join us for Twilight croquet on Thursday 14th December, and 21st December, BYO nibbles and drinks from 4pm, dress mufti.

We will continue Twilight croquet into January with a BBQ on Tuesday 16th January, there will be a list on the table in early January for those attending.

Wishing everyone a Happy Christmas and we look forward to a great 2024 with croquet.

Linda Fraser, Social Co-ordinator


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