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January Newsletter

Dates for the Diary


Monday 1st New Year's Day

Tuesday 16th COM Meeting 12.30pm

Thursday 18th Twilight croquet 5.00pm BBQ 7.00pm

Friday 26th Australia Day


Monday 12th COM meeting 12.30pm

Tuesday 20th General Meeting 9.00am

President's Report 
On behalf of the COM we hope you had an enjoyable Christmas & we wish you all the best for a Healthy – Happy 2024.Some good news - we were successful in obtaining a grant from the Central Coast Council of $5,000 to assist with the costs of our lawn renovations. Many thanks to John Gilmore, Margot Castles & Secretary Hazel for their participation in applying for the grant. The money will be spent on finishing the lawn renovations & some extra work on getting the Grant lawn improved. Jason Garbutt commenced the renovation of Ourimbah lawn on Friday 29th Dec. Once Ourimbah is back in play Wailes will then be renovated. Jason will also start to seed the smaller dead patches on Grant & the bigger patches will be turfed early in the New Year.As you would be aware we had a large tree uprooted during a storm a couple of weeks ago. The Council is working on having the tree cut up & removed. We have been told we are on a waiting list.We hope you all enjoy your Croquet in 2024. 
Colin Gibbons, President

Games Captain Report

The current timetable will continue into the new year with no changes until further notice. Thankyou to all those who have been setting the hoops with the lawn clippings each time. It really does make a difference!

If you are interested in playing in a competition in 2024, the outside events are starting to be listing on the Croquet New South Wales site and Hazel is placing the fliers into a folder which is above the sign on book in the clubhouse.

I send my best wishes to all members for a safe, happy and healthy 2024.

Sue Yule

Sue Yule, Games Captain

Players Rep Report

Wishing everyone a healthy & happy 2024.....everything seems to be running smoothly.

Anita & Alexis

Welfare Report

Gordon Kerr and Kathy Porter have both finished their chemotherapy and we wish them both a complete recovery.

Anita Beer

Coaching Report

A new group will be taking part in the beginner's coaching program in early January. It is not too late to refer anyone interested to me.

Anita Beer, Coaching Co-ordinator

Twilight Social BBQ

A BBQ and play will be held on THURSDAY 18th of JANUARY, changing from the previously posted date. Play will commence at 5pm given the weather has been so hot. Dusk is the perfect time to play, so games can continue into the evening. We will serve up at 7.00am.

Please register on the form at the club house and be sure to remember to pay your $10 as soon as possible… in the usual way, direct to the bank account or in an envelope in the box in the back corner. Be sure to put your name on the direct debit or envelope.

Happy New Year.

Linda Fraser and her offsider, Craig, Social Co-ordinators


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