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Dates for the Diary


Friday 9th 12 noon Nominations for COM positions close.

Mon 12th 12 noon COM Meeting

Tues 13th 12 noon BBQ

Tues 20th 9.00 am GM Meeting & AGM


Mon 9th 12.30pm COM Meeting


Mon 14th 12.30pm COM Meeting

Nominations for Positions on the COM

Nominations are now open for positions on the COM for 2024–25 and close at midday on Friday 9th August. All positions will become vacant at the AGM and although some of the current COM may stand again, there is no guarantee they will be elected. It is also desirable that some of the COM turns over each year. This gives newer members a chance to contribute to the running of the club while working alongside more experienced members. We need new faces on the COM each year to bring fresh ideas.

Nomination forms are on the filing cabinet next to the Games table along with a Position Descriptions Folder listing what is involved with each position. For more information, please talk to a current COM member. Complete your form and ask two members to propose & second your nomination. Completed nomination forms should be placed in the locked brown box on the filing cabinet. Please remember the nominee, proposer and seconder must all be financial members of the club i.e. having paid at least the first instalment of $260 of their membership fees.

With over 100 members in the club there are a lot of very capable people who would make excellent COM members. We would love to see you give it a go.

General Meeting & AGM

Our GM will be held at 9.00 am Tuesday 20th August, followed by the AGM. Lawns will be closed until the conclusion of the meetings. Donations for morning tea are much appreciated.

Gala Day

We are proposing to hold a fun gala day in September/October. Date to be confirmed. This will be a doubles golf competition themed ‘A pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.’ There will be plenty of prizes with a free sausage sizzle for all competitors. More details to follow.

Association Platinum Singles

EDSACC hosted the AC Platinum Singles on 4th & 5th June. Wet weather caused a few concerns however the competition was able to go ahead with 4 competitors. The standard of play was first class.

John Bartrop presented with the plate by Larry Bryant & Colin Gibbons                   

John Bartrop & Peter Freer 

Creightons Ricochet Singles Competition

Wet weather again caused a lot of stress in the lead up to the Ricochet Competition with lawns closed prior to the start of the competition and day 2 of the singles and the doubles having to be deferred. We managed to get the Singles competition finished; the doubles are still a work in progress.There were two blocks playing in the Singles. Block A was won by Larry Bryant followed closely by Darren Warner in second place. Block B was extremely close with it being determined a tie between Sue Butler and Penny Hill both taking first place.Many thanks to Carol Bennett, Tournament Manager who copped all the stress and had to rearrange draws many times and also to Kathy Porter who was the Tournament Referee.

Sue Butler, Kathy Porter, Darren Warner, Colin Gibbons, Larry Bryant, Carol Bennett, Penny Hill 

Hazel Gibbons, Secretary

President's Report

Lawn renovations will commence in late September. Grant will be done first followed by Wailes then Dobell with Ourimbah being the last lawn to be renovated. The lawns will be renovated one at a time, leaving three lawns for play at all times. We are hoping to have all lawns in play again by February.I wish our pennants teams good luck in their respective tournaments.Well done to Penny Hill & Dianna Mears for their efforts in coordinating the club’s Cancer Council Biggest Morning Tea event. We were able to raise $406.50.This will be my last President's report as I will be standing aside at the AGM in August. I would like to thank our members for the support & encouragement you have given me over the past year.I still look forward to catching up with you on the lawns as we enjoy our Croquet together.


Our club was successful in acquiring a grant from the Central Coast  Council for $500. This is to be used to purchase a high-power blower to be used on the lawns to remove leaf litter & debris. This is the second grant we have received from the Council in this financial year.

BENDIGO BANK EAST GOSFORD SPONSORSHIPWe were recently successful in obtaining sponsorship from Bendigo Bank for $1000. Manager Michelle Clague will be attending our next BBQ. The Club has banked with Bendigo Bank for the last seven years and we encourage our members to also support the bank where possible. We are hopeful that the sponsorship may continue in upcoming years.

CREIGHTONS CUPThe inaugural Creightons Cup will be contested on October 7th at Maitland Croquet Club.Maitland, Cessnock & EDSACC are all sponsored by Creightons and the Creightons Cup will become an annual event played at one of the three clubs on a rotating basis each year. We would like to get 10 people from EDSACC to form 5 doubles teams. Once we have 10, we will start a waitlist. Please contact Colin Gibbons if you are interested in playing.  The cost will be $8.00 per person. 9.30ish start 3.30ish finish. Morning tea & lunch will be provided. It should be a good fun day. Handicaps will not be used.

Colin Gibbons, President

Games Captain Report

After so much damage to our lawns from the rain, 30th April through May and June, it is good to be back playing.Thank you to Carol Bennett for all the work involved in organising the Creightons Club Ricochet Competition. Congratulations to our winners and runners-up.Our AC Pennants team has played some very close games and is pleased with their overall results in this year's competition.Our two Golf Pennants Division 3 teams are about to commence their competition for 2024 and we wish them well.I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have assisted me in so many ways over the last 12 months in my role as Games Captain.

Gateball   2024 

EDSACC Gateballers have been busy this past year, developing skills, attending 2 Friendship Days, 2 workshops courtesy of John and Penny Park,(Blue Mountains) plus entering EDSACC’s very first teams Competition recently held at Strathfield.

All members are welcome to come and try this very different code of croquet which is played on Tuesdays after announcements are read. The club has all the equipment needed for members to use.  Teams of 5, Triples and Doubles can be played. We are now able to set up a temporary lawn if numbers exceed 10.

Gateball Friendly

Friday 12th July, saw five of the EDSACC Gateball players attend the new Toronto Croquet Club at Glendale. As always, we were made welcome to the Gateball Friendly event, by the Toronto players. A thoroughly enjoyable morning saw new skills and strategies shared and developed over five games, while meeting players from other clubs in the Hunter Hub. EDSACC Croquet Club was represented by Cheryl Patterson, Sue Higgins, Nalda Gould, Rhonda MacDiarmid and Gail Cannon.


Two new members, Gavin Murray and Rowan Pope have been added to our numbers before the constant deluges and lawn closures have made it impossible to have any consistency in coaching.   A new beginners list is being formed and these enthusiastic people will be coached when we are able.

Anita Beer, Coaching Co Ordinator 

Players Representative Report

It is great to see so many members braving the cold in the last few weeks in order to enjoy their game of croquet. Roll on Spring.

  Alexis & Anita

Welfare Report 

Unfortunately, a few people have been hospitalised in the last few weeks, with Get Well cards being sent with members' well wishes.  Diana Mears has unfortunately had a fall & broken her shoulder....we wish her a speedy recovery.

Anita Beer, Welfare Officer

Social Report 


Our next BBQ will be on Tuesday 13th August at 12.00noon.

Our guests will be Michelle and Amie from Bendigo Bank, our new sponsor.

Add your name to the sheet in the clubhouse.

The cost is $10. Please pay through the cash box in the clubhouse or online.


Our Croquet Christmas lunch celebration will be held on Thursday 28th November.

Please put that in your diary now. More details closer to the date.

 Linda Fraser, Social Co-Ordinator


We appreciate the ongoing support of our sponsors


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